Giovanna Ruggiero DeSantis, Artist

“I want to see my subject in a different light.
I want to describe that feeling I had when
I saw that subject and said, That’s it.
That’s what I am going to paint.”

When seeing DeSantis’s work, one immediately gets the feeling of how this artist must view life. Coloristic, Detailed, Reflective, constantly changing, learning, and aspiring to be better. It is the way that the light hits the subject, the tonal difference you see within a reflection or a shadow. One can only say, that this is a person who really looks at her subject and cares about that particular hue or saturation of a color, that reflection you get when the light hits just that way. Serpentine flowing lines and organic shapes evoke a sense of dramatic flair within her military series and a visual description that speaks to us about her love of country, sacrifice and profound respect for our military. Active composition is a prominent feature within her strong horizontal works but also evident in her landscapes, still lifes and figurative works. Realism is her passion but within the reality is also an abstraction of colors, evolving shapes and curvaceous lines that cause the viewer to move in and out and around the subject. You are drawn hopelessly into that world of being physical present and suddenly realizing you aren’t there but an outsider viewing in. You are captivated by the gleem of light that permeates each subject and moves voraciously throughout the picture plane. We are experiencing not only the play of light, but a strong emotional connection to the place and moment in time of each painting. We are there. Past experiences, feelings and a gentle nuance from her brushwork creates a pathway for the viewer to move throughout the painting in a fluid, continuous rhythmic journey pulsating with energy and appreciation of the life around her. Layers of transparency effects with oils, a compelling subject and dynamic reflections create an evocative composition that permeates the viewer’s being and aestheticism. Realism, Naturalism and Abstraction always in play within the rectangular format but always a touch of nostalgia and a feeling of being ever present, observing and being a participant in the painting. You feel welcome in her world of painting.